learn more about our new mental

health Program!


Why school-based mental health?

Primary Care settings, such as elementary schools, can provide access to mental health services in high-poverty communities that may not be accessible otherwise. Some of the benefits of in-school mental health services that Charleston Hope is working to provide to our community are:

  • Families will have direct access, which removes the barrier of transportation

  • Destigmatizing mental health 

  • Early intervention of mental health services reduces symptoms when caught early 

  • Students who receive mental health services and social-emotional services achieve better academically 

  • Research shows that students are more likely to seek counseling services when they are available in schools (National Association of School Psychologists)

  • Schools report less bullying and conflict when mental health services are available and provided

What is the Program Model?

We are piloting the program at Mitchell Elementary in August 2022. We are working with school administration, counselors, and district leaders to create a model that is sustainable and effective. Our program will follow the Safe & Supportive Learning School-Based Mental Health Program Model and we will implement the following Tiers of Support:

Tier 1 : Initial stage offerings scaling to school-wide implementation which will include: supporting SEL curriculum infusion into classrooms, creating school-wide SEL initiatives, provide direct support to classroom teachers to ensure daily implementation of SEL competencies in the classroom, offer parent support workshops for implementing SEL competencies in the home

Tier 2 : Selective Services for students identified as at risk for a mental health concern or program, assessed via CANS-EI or other assessment, services will be provided by Charleston Hope Master’s Level Student Interns. This tier also includes weekly small groups as determined by school administration.

Tier 3: Indicated Services for individual students who already display a mental health concern or program determined by the CANS-EI; services will be provided by contracted Licenses Professional Counselors and included in our after-school mental health program.



Where your donation goes:

  • Program Coordinator to oversee the program, manage counseling sessions, and serve as a student advocate for students mental health

  • Session fees for contracted licensed professional counselors, psychologists, and social workers

  • Program Materials

  • Assessment and trauma-informed training for staff and interns